【爱无惧】2022WORLD MADAM世界夫人中华台北赛区总冠军蔡麗娜

原标题:【爱无惧】2022WORLD MADAM世界夫人中华台北赛区总冠军蔡麗娜

WORLD MADAM世界夫人2022中华台北赛区总冠军蔡丽娜,是一位能够适应多处环境的全球居民。目前她居住在台湾,并非常荣幸地与大家分享了自己的故事。蔡丽娜于1955年出生于上海,父亲是俄罗斯人,母亲则是上海人。成长过程中,家人鼓励并熏陶着她向艺术领域发展,专研芭蕾、音乐以及中国国粹京剧。

Irina Choy, the representative of the World Madam 2022 Chinese Taipei Region, is a global citizen who can adapt to multiple environments. Currently residing in Taipei, she is honoured to share her story with everyone. Irina was born in Shanghai, 1955. Her father is Russian and her mother is Shanghainese. Growing up, her family encouraged and influenced her to develop in the arts, specialising in ballet, music, and traditional Chinese opera.


In 1979, despite having the opportunity to film in Beijing at the time, Irina’s family chose to immigrate to Australia. At first, she was full of anticipation for Australia, but the reality of life was not as smooth sailing as she had imagined. While applying for a job, she fatefully met her soulmate, Dominic Choy. He was a Sydney-based architect and property developer who also owned a popular chain restaurant and had close interactions with Sydney's elite.

在同一时期,她也被培养成为悉尼Chadwick 模特儿经纪公司的唯一亚裔顶尖模特儿。1982年,她与她的先生步入了婚姻的旅程,并在悉尼上流社会活跃,成为备受瞩目的夫妻。1993年,她的先生荣登福布斯榜上最年轻的亚裔企业家。如今,他还打趣说,一个成功的男人背后,一定有一个强大支撑力的女人。悉尼跳蚤市场他们开创的另一个成就。直到今天,它仍然是悉尼重要的地标和购物中心,每天吸引数千人前去参观。

During the same period, she was also trained to become the only top Asian model of Sydney's Chadwick Model agency. In 1982, she and her husband embarked on the journey of marriage and became a known power couple in Sydney's upper society. In 1993, her husband was listed as the youngest Asian entrepreneur on Forbes. Today, he says that behind every successful man is a powerful woman supporting him. Another achievement they created was the Sydney flea market, which remains an important landmark and shopping centre in Sydney and attracts thousands of people every day.


The most beautiful thing in their 40 years of marriage was the birth of their daughter, Dizzy Dizzo. She is now a hip hop artist based in Taiwan, who married well-known actor Sunny Wang in 2015.


In 2019, she became a grandmother and decided to live in Taiwan with her daughter's family. During her time in Taiwan, she has learned about the island's culture and sometimes even finds herself dancing on her daughter’s videos on TikTok in her spare time. In addition, she participated in their Empire beach-cleaning activities and other charitable causes.


After experiencing the three years of the pandemic, she wants to share with everyone through the window of World Madam that when facing adversity, people need to have the ability to overcome it because the future is unpredictable. They need to have strong adaptability and endurance to face unimaginable changes while maintaining a positive attitude. Whatever happens, people should strive to overcome it. Starting from the love of the world, she uses her love and experiences to help and encourage those around her to pursue and persist in their dreams at any age.返回搜狐,查看更多


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