ཐུགས ཆེན།

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an image of a buddha statue in the middle of a painting
Blessing Eye Problems
an image of a buddha statue in the middle of a yellow wall with flowers on it
an image of buddha in the middle of a painting
an image of a painting on the wall
Avalokitesvera Tong Trug
a painting of a buddha sitting in the middle of a body of water and surrounded by flowers
Avalokiteśvara སྤྱན་རས་གཟིགས་: Bodhisattva of Compassion
an image of buddha sitting in the middle of flowers
1:1 Copy of origin Thanka painting! Carrier :silk fabric, Note: origin work order or Tibetan scroll mounting, please contact : info@myadornart.com
a painting with an image of a person on it
Green Tara karmapa hat
an image of a buddha statue in the middle of a blue background with flowers on it
an image of a buddha statue surrounded by flowers
Standing Chenresig, with a Bhumpa (sacred water pot) and mirror, Manjushri (bottom left) and Vajrapani (bottom right
an image of buddha sitting in the lotus position
Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva │ 觀世音菩薩 (二臂白觀音)
the buddha statue is sitting in front of clouds and flowers, with one hand on his chest