Mastering the Clouds Continued - Cirrostratus

Mastering the Clouds Continued - Cirrostratus

It’s day five of practicing clouds. 

I have to say, I ABSOLUTELY see improvement! Every cloud type is different, but the techniques are most certainly building on themselves.

It’s good stuff.

Okay, so - Cirrostratus clouds. This cloud type was pretty easy, mostly because there are few variations of it. Cirrostratus clouds cover the whole sky. They share the same altitude as cirrus and cirrocumulus clouds. Cirrostratus clouds are viel like and less than opaque, meaning you’re able to see the sun behind it. Cirrostratus clouds are made of ice crystals and are responsible for that halo effect you see around the sun and sometimes even around the moon. 

Cirrostratus nebulosus (top drawing) is vague. You can’t make out cloud details. It looks uniform, unspecified, ubiquitous. You know nebulosus clouds - they’re fog. Cirrostratus nebulosus is a high altitude “fog”.

Cirrostratus fibratus undulatus (bottom drawing) is a wispy, wavy cirrostratus cloud. They’re still veil like and transparent, but now you can see individual threadlike wisps in the veil.

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Tomorrow - Altocumulus!

Until then :)

And hey, are you working on a project? I’d love to hear about it, in a zero pressure zoom chat → What time works for you? 

All the best!

Shani, The Art Bard

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