The Suspended Step of the Stork


Το Μετέωρο Βήμα του Πελαργού (Original Title)

一位政治家离开议会从家里出走,消失得无影无踪。新闻工作者Gregory Karr正在报导停留在边境的移民和难民的情况,他在人群中碰到一个人非常像那个失踪的政治家。他还找到了一个被作为国境线的河流一分为二的小镇,看到一场超现实的婚礼,新娘和家人在河的这边,新郎和亲友在河的那边。


How does one leave? Why? Where to? Is it like in that old poem? "And don't forget that the time to leave has come...The wind will carry your eyes far away."

Love is like the full moon...make people drunk, and dream of you.

An Albanian: My Calvary started when I crossed the border. As I knew that I had left death behind me, and that I was to regain freedom, I ran like never in my life.

An Iranian: I would have never imagined that one day I would want the Moon to die. I can clearly remember the moment that I that she wouldn't show, and betray me with her light and get me caught.

He walked towards the street. He stood there, waiting. Then he took the bus, heading out of town. During the whole time of the trip, he looked by the window. I could see he was becoming another man. Little by little.

It was the same light, same time of the day...Except for the soft glow of a lampshade...We made love that night. Violently, silently. As if we didn't know one another. Like two strangers, who had meet for the first the darkness of a moviehouse.

I'm just a passerby, and everything I encounter hurts me to the core.

"I don't have anything that is mine..." I arrogantly said one day. Now I've learned that nothing... is nothing. That we don't even have a name. And that each time we need to borrow one. Give me a place to look at. Forget me in the sea.

When the earth starts to burn, because it is scorched by the sun, humans will have to leave. Then, what history will call "The Great Migration" will happen. They will leave the countries where they live, each as best as they could, and they will gather again in the desert of the Sahara. There, a child will have released a kite, very high in the sky. Big and small will cling on to the cord, and all the humanity will fly away, in search of another planet. Each one will carry a small plant, a rose tree, a handfull of wheat, or a new-born animal. Others, all volumes of poetry, written by men...It will be one very, very long voyage...

We crossed the border and we're always there. How many borders does one have to find himself at home?

One night, he'll cross the river and come to take me away.

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