【香港行政会议召集人陈智思:不了解香港,就会出现误判】在今年的全国两会期间, @田薇_TianWei 专访了香港行政会议召集人、全国人大港区代表陈智思先生。他表示,其实有关香港的制度安排没有变,比如:商贸关系和司法独立。对很多从来没有在香港长期工作生活的西方人,特别是对在过去两年没有直接目睹香港变化的国际人士来说,他们很难了解香港到底发生了什么。其实,很多在港生活工作的国际商业人士不仅注意到了中央政府希望“一国两制”能够真正成功的诚意,也希望香港的法治与秩序有所保证。NPC Hong Kong Deputy Bernard Chan said Hong Kong's institutional arrangements, such as business relations and judicial independence, have not changed. For many Westerners, who have never worked and lived in Hong Kong, and especially those who have not witnessed the changes in Hong Kong in the past two years, it is difficult to understand what happened in Hong Kong. In fact, many international business people living and working in Hong Kong have not only noticed the sincerity of the Chinese central government that "One Country, Two Systems" can truly succeed, but they also hope that the rule of law and order in Hong Kong can be guaranteed. LCGTN的微博视频


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