Anime Review 145 Symphogear G (Season 2) Part 2 out of 5

Welcome to part 2 out of 5 of my Symphogear review series. This post will cover the second season of Symphogear also known as Symphogear G

The full series version of my Symphogear review will come out next month as it will combine all of my Symphogear reviews into one full review.

When I heard that Symphogear got a second season I was both excited and worried. Season 1 of Symphogear bombed, and it received unfavourable reviews both came to DVDs sale in Japan and the show in Japan and overseas. Despite the season flopping the series managed to strong CD sales which lead creators the Symphogear to make a squeal of Symphogear named Symphogear G.


Now making a squeal to a failed prequel was no easy task, for starters they had to fix their poor dissections such as the janky animation, unlikable Mary Sue lead, weak director and having the show air alongside two other series that ultimately caused the season to underperform. Thankfully, the creators managed to learn from their past mistakes because Symphogear G is not only a fantastic season that addressed every issue that I had with the season but, it was also the season where I became a Symphogear fan.

Where do I begin with this awesomeness of a season maybe with the visuals?

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Say that Symphogear had an overhaul in the visuals department is a grand understatement. Everything from the lighting, character designs, background scenery and animation have been drastically improved. The fight choreography is near masterful that are filled with fluid animation and no recycled animation.

The one thing I forgot to mention in my season 1 review is the fight structure that sets it apart from most action series. Unless you’re watching a Studio Ufotable, Sunrise or Bones production action is often put on hold or interrupted just so the other characters can commentate of what just happen even though we just saw it in action. This terrible practice has plagued a lot of action shows, not just shounen because it kills pacing and tension of a fight. Thankfully Symphogear doesn’t fall into the same traps as those action shows. It’s very fast-paced the characters showcased their special movies during combat instead of the other way around and there’s little fight interruption.

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I even go as far the fight structure of Symphogear should be the standard of most action series going forward but sadly some series just didn’t get the hit (looking at you Seven Deadly Sins and Black Clover)
Now the reason why I forgot to mention it in my season 1 was that the visuals were pretty bad in that season 1 and it ultimately overshadowed it.

The music is just as good if not better season 1. The musical score of Symphogear G screams sci-fi, bass, pop and electronic tracks that fit the bombastic tone of Symphogear. The same thing can be said for the well-composed insert songs and OP/ED themes.

One thing that I regret mentioning in my Season 1 review is the voice acting which is magnificent across the board. I was blown away from how amazing the voice acting was. Symphogear as a whole featured an all-star Seiyuu cast that perfectly fit the roles of their respective characters. Aoi Yuuki’s Hibiki is nothing short of phenomenal? She had a blast voicing the determined lead and her screams that she ditches during battles reeks of power.

Ayahi Takagaki’s Chris is perfection itself. That all I have to say.
My favourite Seiyuu performance in the series has to go to Nana Mizuki as Tsubasa.
It feels that she was born to voice this character and out of all the roles as a Seiyuu this is easily her best role.

With that said I don’t want to see this get an official English Dub by any English company. Similar to another show I will review after this it wouldn’t translate well to an official English script without changing everything to a point it will lose its charm.

As for the actual plot itself, it’s also a massive improvement. The plot is more focused this time around, it had a lot of great ideas that were well executed from the evil team F.I.S. using Symphogear users to the various plot twists that had me at the edge of my seat.


When the show is not being an action special it being an engaging character drama with strong characterization to boot. My favourite scenes in this season are the S.O.N.G training sequence where Genjuro helps the train against the battle with F.I.S and the Chris and Tsubasa chat in the restaurant.

The one thing that I want to mention is that this season along with its squeals are being directed by Katsumi Ono the same guy that gave us the most critically acclaimed Yu-Gi-Oh instalment Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds as well the most polarizing Yu-Gi-Oh instalment Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V. Needless to say this series is by far his best work as a director as he’s was able to give it his all without getting held back by restraints for Konami.

The subpar writing form the first season is gone and it has been replaced by competent writing in the story department. Sure the season has its fair share of plot holes and deus ex machina but least Katsumi was able to cover up its issues through strong character writing and well-executed ideas.

The characters are Symphogear G truly successes as not the returning characters were a massive improvement over their season but the new characters that were introduced in this season were fascinating and well written.

Hibiki finally phased out of her Mary Sue bullcrap as she became a believable and character. I liked her over the top, and badass personality that she gives offs in combat. Her chemistry towards the cast especially with Miyu is admirable and her development in the season is good. I liked Hibiki here, and it’s such a shame she became the worst character in the following season.

It’s truly shocking how Tsubasa became my favourite character after her rocky season 1 debut. Strong development from season 1 aside she’s a much better character. She’s a badass, very likeable well written and most of all a very fun person to be with. Her interactions with Chris and Hibiki is where her character development truly shines as she a very sister figure for the group rather than the angsty lone wolf that she was in season 1.

The character I skimmed over in my season 1 review is Miku Hibiki’s childhood friend. The reason why I skimmed her in season is that she didn’t do anything noteworthy. Sure she provided some decent Yuri stuff in season 1, but she was mainly a spectator for all the events. Symphogear G made Miku a fully fleshed-out character in this season.

Chris’s outing in this season is just as good if not better in this season.

Her drive of finding a place in the world after her dramatic events in season 1 was intriguing. We see her making up for her mistakes in the first season by joining S.O.N.G. as well attending Lydian Private Music Academy the same school that Hibiki and Tsubasa attend. Despite having these things going for her, she still at a transitional phase between good vs evil and character actions as well her development in the season showcases that. I honestly like when former antagonists don’t suddenly become good guys right away. Sure they may be fighting alongside the heroes, but they may have different motivations or ideals that will potentially conflict with the good side.

Honestly, she the pseudo-Vegeta in this season and I love it.
Lastly, her insert song at the school concert in episode 4 was genius and filled with emotion.
Now for the new characters and honesty, they were good and a strong addition to the series.

Let’s start with Maria who’s the best new character in the season as my second favourite character in this season overall from this point on. She a nice foil for Tsubasa and the group declaring that she’s the second coming of Fine in her debut episode.
On top of her amazing debut episode, she’s a very sympathetic and well-written character that has a compelling back-story that would make you tear up making her a tragic hero.

Lastly, we have the loli par Kirika and Shirabe and I enjoyed them. They play off Maria very well, and chemistry with each other is very good. The only slight problem I have with them is that they got the short end of the stick when it comes to character development. Compare to Maria and about every main character they didn’t do much in the overall plot and as a result, their character development suffers and it’s a shame because they could have just as interesting as Maria. Sure they do have the good moments, but their moments get overshadowed by the rest. Least we got some good Yuri from these two.

The villains this time around were all fun and interesting.
Dr Rev is one heck of an entertaining villain. I loved his over the top and insane personality when he successes or fails. He may not be deep or complex but he doesn’t have to be.

Fine makes a return in the season and I like her this around. I know I said the word ‘’like insert this time a lot in the review but honestly this season fixed almost every issue I had with season 1 and Fine is no expectation. Even though she doesn’t appear all the much in the season she still had strong importance in the season and she was interesting especially with her plot twist at the end of the season.

Overall Symphogear G is what a squeal should be. The creators truly learned their past mistakes from season 1 and up producing a squeal that is not only amazing but arguably the best of Symphogear. Personally, this is my favourite season in terms of enjoyment, but I prefer a certain season that has the best overall writing quality but before we get to that season we have to deal with the ugly duckling follow up that is Symphogear GX.


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