Exodus from Egypt

The message Moses gets from the burning bush is to go back to Egypt and, with his brother Aaron, to take the children of Israel, the Jews, out of Egypt.  It takes ten plagues, the first nine of which “God causes” Pharaoh’s heart to harden (this is one place where one must be wary of too literal an interpretation – how fair would it be to punish one for matters which were beyond the control of that person?); but after the tenth, resulting in the death of the first born of all living things except those with the blood of the pascall lamb painted on the door posts of the dwelling, including the death of Pharaoh’s own child, his heart is broken, at least for a moment, and he wants the Jews out of Egypt.  Exodus chapters 4-13.

God Turns Moses’ Staff Into a Serpent CHAGALL (1887-1985)

See http://www.spaightwoodgalleries.com/Pages/Chagall_Exodus.html for the source of the above photograph of the painting.

The Fifth Plague of Egypt TURNER (1775 – 1851)

See http://www.artbible.info/art/large/533.html for the above photograph of the painting and a brief description.  There aren’t a lot of art masterpieces of the various plagues, but Turner, who later developed into a well-known English “painter of light” and water color artist of landscapes in the Romantic period, finds the subject to be a wonderful opportunity to paint a dramatic, tumultuos landscape.

The Tenth Plague of Egypt TURNER

See http://www.artbible.info/art/large/588.html for the above photograph of the painting and a brief description.


See http://www.abcgallery.com/C/chagall/chagall121.html for the source of the above photograph of the painting.

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